最近真是节日过着不停的节奏,又一轮伪暑假狂潮的到来。SO,Happy National DayS!
那天连夜赶Supernatural(邪恶力量)的时候,突然发现再现Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door,然后顿时想起来早在第二季的时候就有首什么歌来着配得相当不错,本来很早就搬来的可是近来比较凌乱一时忘却了,仔细翻看了episodes list才回忆起这首Dylan也唱过的老歌。(写到此处的时候突然想起来图书馆借的一本原版书超期好久了,这下赔惨了T.T)
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ZkTtUuFLif8/ Dylan的版本,乱入一下(他唱tailor时的那个嗓音,好代表..)
正好又是一首folk song,很纯粹,Dave Van Ronk自己要录的作品被某人二传了。在商业化前就纯粹是民间流行的一首歌,得益于copying process,传得广泛了便有了Fidelity,直到大众普遍接受一个版本。The Animals是将这首歌的commercial version做得最成功的,将广为流传的蓝调版本编曲为摇滚风格,风靡一时。歌曲整体偏向黑暗,阴郁,这也是为什么配着看Supernatural的时候会让人叫绝。最后点下题,找了下题名的可能来源:”House of the Rising Sun” is often understood as a euphemism for a brothel(XX),but it is not known whether or not the house described in the lyrics was an actual or fictitious place。
然后我们一起偏题来说下Supernatural的第二季第十六集吧,如果之前有看过影片’Dead End’(好像是03年的,懒得查),那一定会吐槽了,邪恶力量果然抄的一手好袭-_-b,这个影片的亮点便在于它完美的构思和整体风格的铺垫,看到结局震撼人心,’Source code’那般的创意也只能是后来者,虽然不知道是不是’Dead End’原创,起码我是第一次感受到这个idea带来的效果。感觉Supernatural就是各种恐怖片的大集合,加上自己的主线,前两季看多了绝对变freak。
more reading的全文里来一首American Idol,Season9的翻唱版本.
The House Of The Rising Sun
There is a house in New Orleans,
They call the rising sun.
And it’s been the ruin of many a poor Boy,
and God I know I’m one.
My mother was a tailor,
Sewed my new blue jeans.
My father was a gamblin’ man.
Down in New Orleans.
Now the only thing a gambler needs is
A suitcase and a trunk.
And the only time he’ll be satisfied
Is when he’s on a drunk.
Oh mother, tell your children,
Not to do what I have done.
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the house of the Rising Sun.
Well I’ve got one foot on the platform
The other foot on the train
I’m going back to New Orleans
To wear that ball and chain
Well there is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God, I know, I’m one