不是滚石的Dandelion,不是’日式治愈系’Kokia的Dandelion,是官首jQuery下做出超级好页面的Kacey Musgraves作曲的Dandelion。滞留了整整一个多月的博文终于抽空给完成了,实在是翻来覆去也只有封面处处能瞧见的‘Same Trailer Different Park’一张专辑,还得归功于”Merry Go ‘Round”和 “Blowin’ Smoke” 。
“Merry Go ‘Round”到底有多好,可以说是人人都给了大拇指,对这位年纪不到25岁的country music歌手能写出这样的歌词大多给与了褒奖之词,至于Kacey Musgraves到底能走多远,创作能力是否只是昙花一现,下一张专辑敬请期待,至少我是非常喜欢的。
Jody Rosen用了ingenue去形容Kacey,然后就会不由自主地去和Taylor比,因为会想到Ellen talk show里Taylor对话时的超级天然ボケ,当然作为已经坐稳country music历史一席的Taylor,必须是大智若愚,艺术家总是表现地与众不同,Kacey风格上要有ingenue的样子,但是内在上不能不更mature一点。让人很高兴的是,”Merry Go ‘Round”真正就是写出了那种感觉的一首歌,韵律上是朗朗上口的儿歌格调,而内在却是critical的形式,唯一让我感觉差一点的是起伏,相比之下Dandelion更讨喜,所以title多加这首。
Banjo这个乐器简直是..总感觉是country不会Banjo的都不能出去混了。简易科普下吧,Banjo一共两个半八度的音域,高音弦(拇指弦)弹奏旋律,其余四弦伴奏。价格不算特别亲民,所以ukulele才是亲民弦乐之王啊!Don’t ask me why,just taobao it.
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“Merry Go ‘Round”
If you ain’t got two kids by 21,
You’re probably gonna die alone.
Least that’s what tradition told you.
And it don’t matter if you don’t believe,
Come Sunday morning, you best be there in the front row like you’re supposed to.
Same hurt in every heart.
Same trailer, different park.
Mama’s hooked on Mary Kay. Brother’s hooked on Mary Jane. Daddy’s hooked on Mary two doors down. Mary, Mary quite contrary.
We get bored, so, we get married
Just like dust, we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go ’round and ’round and ’round we go
Where it stops nobody knows and it ain’t slowin’ down.
This merry go ’round.
We think the first time’s good enough.
So, we hold on to high school love.
Sayin’ we won’t end up like our parents.
Tiny little boxes in a row.
Ain’t what you want, it’s what you know.
Just happy in the shoes you’re wearin’.
Same checks we’re always cashin’ to buy a little more distraction.
‘Cause mama’s hooked on Mary Kay.
Brother’s hooked on Mary Jane.
Daddy’s hooked on Mary two doors down.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary.
We get bored, so, we get married.
Just like dust, we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go ’round and ’round and ’round we go
Where it stops nobody knows and it ain’t slowin’ down.
This merry go ’round.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary.
We’re so bored until we’re buried.
Just like dust, we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go ’round.
Merry go ’round.
Jack and Jill went up the hill.
Jack burned out on booze and pills.
And Mary had a little lamb.
Mary just don’t give a damn no more.