Jolene – Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton
U.S. President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, with the Kennedy Center honorees in the Blue Room of the White House during a 2006 reception. From left: singer/songwriter William “Smokey” Robinson; composer Andrew Lloyd Webber; Dolly Parton; film director Steven Spielberg; and conductor Zubin Mehta.

Dolly Parton绝对是一个才女,不像Janis Joplin那样惊艳,而是另一种才华横溢。

年轻的时候便有着极好的音乐表现能力,而之后更是各个领域都有所接触。不谈她所著作的几千首音乐以及对音乐的了解(数量就是铁一般的事实了)。作为一个actress的同时,又以author身份写过剧本,同时还做过producer,各种TV  show的partner,等等一系列的经历,丰富多彩。虽说老来的打扮稍有些”妖艳”,不过正是这样一个自身外表不怎么样的人,懂得自尊自爱,才会勇于去打扮自己,去做出如此多的事业,她绝对是一位值得学习的事业型女性楷模。

就音乐来说,”Jolene”只是master pieces里的一首,非常简单的曲调(有一部分旋律让我想到了smile的butterfly,于是两种流派的对比就显而易见了),加上显而易懂的歌词。让我想到Taylor Swift(Miley Cyrus最近也在听)在这样一个很多情况下偶像派统领半边天的现状下,对创作型,实力派的歌手有非常大的偏好,最近在YY上知道了不少国内的独立音乐人,自己写曲自己组建乐队或者个人演唱,真心是希望能有这个环境给他们崭露头角,而对于’唱吧’这个app,我的看法是翻唱好的也是一种水准,起码歌唱水平能说服人,毕竟这个年头我们身边能写音乐能唱出那种感觉的都浮不上水面。(于是乎又偏题了)

余下全文里再放点图片,视频和她的一张专辑,#The Best of Dolly Parton#

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Like a Rolling Stone – Bob Dylan

bob dylan
Bob Dylan


不从原来出发点考虑他说些什么了,起码反过来看是很励志的玩意儿。”But you know you only used to get juiced in it”,所以为了不成为the rolling stone,就耐住需要on our own的这个阶段吧,,”When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose”,现在正是”got nothing” but the future的时光。



[How many roads must a man walk down,Before they  call him a man]

[How many  times can a man turn his head,And pretend  that he just doesn’t see]

[The answer my  friend is blowing in the wind.  The answer is  blowing in the wind]

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Doom and Gloom – The Rolling Stones

19 doom and gloom

这帮老顽童,MV怎么就那么sexy。人生最美好的事情莫过于到70岁了还能享受及延续半个世纪前的辉煌,最幸福的事情便是这个年头了当年的小伙伴们还在身边。到底doom and gloom在哪里我们就不讨论了,是感叹即将到来的“没有不散的宴席”么,还是吐槽社会的高内涵潜台词,这些都没有继续看这几个crazy的老家伙们唱歌来的有意义,有价值。

21 doom and gloom

20 doom and gloom

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Joe Hisaishi (久石譲) 精选集






California Dreamin’– The Mamas & the Papas

15 California Dreamin'

Writers: John and Michelle Phillips
Producer: Lou Adler
Released: Dec. ’65, Dunhill

《重庆森林》是什么..,不过看过的应该对California Dreamin’留下过印象。另《隔山有眼》。《阿甘正传》里也有?好吧那是很小很小看的影片了。但是我知道后来听这首音乐时有那么一丝熟悉的感觉,可能是过去的记忆,也有可能是歌曲本身就是非常memorable的原因。

Vocal harmony理应不朽,因为实在是太美妙了,为什么有stereo,有多声道这些multiple的东西,可以说是声源多了模拟了现场环境,更生动更引人入胜,其实归根结底还是人类生理构造的原因,若不是nature让你更容易接受这种事物,你怎会去反着追求。所以人声和声真的是很nice。

说到人声和声想到了chords什么的,对于一个弹钢琴的来说,和弦很好很简单地就能被表现出来。和声音阶虽然有很多硬性的要求,但是随着现代音乐的发展,JAZZ也好BLUES也好,复杂到纠结的和声已经不能简单地去归纳总结了,相信这也是某些音乐专业的master需要极长时间去学习的缘由,等分析,剖析到最透彻,还是要返回生物学的。不过作为爱好者,我支持vocal harmony就是了。

California Dreamin’开头人声起的那刻,第一感觉就是相当摇摆,第二感觉就是LSD -_-b。很有布鲁斯的感觉,加上非凡的和声,造成这种强烈的迷幻效果,中间部分加上一段flute solo(后查阅资料为alto flute,中音长笛,音域更低),似乎印象中有另一首也是这么运用长笛的,要回忆一下。吉他在这里不那么凸显,主要还是人声和声,实在是太incredible了,有一次播放时别人和我说,这是合唱团么?  事实上这和很多靠录音室合成的迷幻风格音乐不一样,现场视频效果也是那么精彩。相反,看到过John Mayer Trio在脱口秀节目表演California Dreamin’,lead vocal和吉他完全压住和声,好吧我赞同改的吉他那部分,但是其他就太糟糕了,何必还要后面的人,完全多此一举嘛。

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Waterloo Sunset – The Kinks

14 Waterloo_Sunset_cover

还是British Invasion,滚石ALBUM#288的album Something Else by The Kinks

看过很多采访,很多传世经典曲目作曲就花了二三十分钟,甚至几分钟都有。但是作词都是数个小时数天的单位量。可见就音乐来说,创作都是很随意的,因为拿起吉他随意地拨动,可能就是一首歌的诞生了(每天所有精力去对待音乐,作曲演出两不误,如此怎么不出大神)(环境很重要)。而写歌词的压力相对大一些,ROCK本身是带有强烈感情的,很多情况下不仅仅是个人的,这也是引起社会共鸣的原因。而某个ROCK上升到社会问题的时代,歌词确确实实是重中之重。DAVID LEE ROTH – Rock music is high-gelocity folk music,It is our life and times, but with fury and some passion.

Waterloo Sunset的歌词很简单,不过写得真得很美,在一些博客看到过相当诗意的翻译。From豆瓣

Dirty old river, must you keep rolling
Flowing into the night
People so busy, makes me feel dizzy
Taxi light shines so bright
But I don’t need no friends
As long as I gaze on waterloo sunset
I am in paradise

搬运个采访的文章:Ray Davies: Waterloo Sunset was originally Liverpool Sunset(地址)

Jade Wright talks to music legend Ray Davies about his love affair with Liverpool

WHAT do you think of when you hear the immortal lines “As long as a I gaze on Waterloo sunset, I am in paradise”?

I’d always assumed it was Waterloo, London, and that the dirty old river was the Thames, but it turns out the answer lies much nearer to home.

Liverpool is my favourite city, and the song was originally called Liverpool Sunset,” smiles its writer, Ray Davies. “I was inspired by Merseybeat. I’d fallen in love with Liverpool by that point. On every tour, that was the best reception. We played The Cavern, all those old places, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

“I had a load of mates in bands up there, and that sound – not The Beatles but Merseybeat(解释) – that was unbelievable. It used to inspire me every time.

“So I wrote Liverpool Sunset. Later it got changed to Waterloo Sunset, but there’s still that play on words with Waterloo.

“London was home, I’d grown up there, but I like to think I could be an adopted Scouser.(利物浦人) My heart is definitely there.”

(更多在more reading中)

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She’s Not There – The Zombies

the zombies

一是lead vocal和harmony vocalists,二是开头便出现的melody with electric piano ,加上jazz-tingled的旋律 ,三是副歌的一次变速,本曲三大亮点。基本满足上一篇所说addiction”必备”元素的5个,直接中招。

The Zombies,六几年的乐队,没有那么那么红多少是受到beatlemania影响的。质量普遍高的乐队,虽然数量少,但是i like them. 有视频资料,看到主唱的风格,太有感了..好吧我是认真的。其实最酷的还是他的嗓音。

Rod Argent
more reading附滚石专辑#80的”Odessey And Oracle”

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