斯图加特广播交响乐团 – 音乐会

斯图加特广播交响乐团 音乐会

Stuttgart Radion Symphony Orchestra Concert


(隔了好久才发,忙碌地preparing for test)


伯辽兹|||《罗马狂欢节序曲》, 作品9

舒曼|||A小调钢琴协奏曲, 作品54 (第一乐章 深情的快板/第二乐章 间奏曲/第三乐章 活泼的快板

理查施特劳斯|||交响诗《唐璜》, 作品20

德彪西|||大海 (第一乐章 海上,从黎明到中午/第二乐章 浪的嬉戏/第三乐章 风与海的对话)


BERLIOZ|||Overtune “Le Carnaval Romain”, Op.9

SCHUMANN|||Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.54  (1.Allegro affettuoso/2.Intermezzo:Andantino grazioso/3.Allegro vivace)

STRAUSS|||”Don Juan”, Tone Poem, Op.20

DEBUSSY|||La Mer(1.From dawn to noon on the sea/2.Play of the waves/3.Dialogue between the wind and the sea)

指挥/斯蒂夫 德内夫  Conductor/STEPHANE DENEVE

钢琴/孙颖迪  Piano/YINGDI SUN



曲目介绍/PROGRAM NOTES (BY SHAOC)(to be continued lol)

伯辽兹|||《罗马狂欢节序曲》, 作品9

Hector Berlioz’s most popular and most virtuosic overture is actually an independent concert piece, but it has close ties to an opera.

舒曼|||A小调钢琴协奏曲, 作品54 




Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46(Grieg)

Peer Gynt /ˈpɪər ˈɡɪnt/

Peer Gynt

Henrik Klausen as Peer (1876)
Written by Henrik Ibsen
Date premiered 24 February 1876
Place premiered Christiania
Original language Norwegian
Genre Romantic dramatic poem converted into a Play

Peer Gynt 是挪威现实主义剧作家Henrik Johan Ibsen(易卜生)的一部作品,在挪威是广为流传的。关键是“扑朔迷离的梦幻境界和形象。

According to Klaus Van Den Berg – “is a stylistic minefield: its origins are romantic, but the play also anticipates the fragmentations of emerging modernism. Chronicling Peer’s journey from the Norwegian mountains to the North African desert, the cinematic script blends poetry with social satire and realistic scenes with surreal ones. The irony of isolated individuals in a mass society infuses Ibsen’s tale of two seemingly incompatible lovers—the deeply committed Solveig and the superficial Peer, who is more a surface for projections than a coherent character.”

Edvard Grieg

Edvard Hagerup Grieg [ˈɛdʋɑʁd ˈhɑːgəʁʉp ˈgʁɪg] (15 June 1843 – 4 September 1907) was a Norwegian composer and pianist.

Peer Gynt Suites是指一些列incidental music。这些组曲是Edvard Grieg受Ibsen邀请为他的剧作Peer Gynt所写的音乐。他共做了两套组曲(各4首)。(Later, in 1888 and 1891, Grieg extracted eight movements to make two four-movement suites: Suite No. 1, Op. 46, and Suite No. 2, Op. 55.)

这里只介绍NO. 1,个人非常喜欢的诗剧配乐,描绘得极其生动,让人宛若身临其境,Grieg针对theme做了一系列的转调,对主旨的贴合度却让人惊讶。

Suite No. 1, Op. 46

Morning Mood (Morgenstemning)

The Death of Åse (Åses død)

Anitra’s Dance (Anitras dans)

In the Hall of the Mountain King (I Dovregubbens hall)



