波多黎各[Puerto Rican(Rico)]
不怎么喜欢The Beach Boys土土的录音,就合唱还是The Crystals强,毕竟R&B里面有个B,曲风就感觉比Rock要有更多的response,特别还是黑人唱的。不过歌其实就是pop。歌写自Phil Spector,借鉴于”There’s No Other Like My Jesus”,对于这种高大上的早期黑人pop,我们除了自己听外,还是来看看作曲者本人(Phil Spector,Wall of Sound录音开创者,看过imagine里他很酷的穿着和对Lennon讲话么,非常深沉,果断,神秘的强人,加个13年纪录电影的地址:点击)是怎么说的吧。
FROM ‘Phil Spector: Out of His Head’ , AUTHORS ‘Richard William’
The secularized(secularized) version, solidly based on a standard doo-wop harmonic cycle, was a fine song with an indelible chorus and a seamless verse, its gospel antecedents gave it a natural rawness reminiscent of ‘Maybe ‘, a big hit in 1958 for Arlene Smith’s Chantels(Maybe – Chantels), the precursors of the Shirelles(The Shirelles).
Young Barbara Alston took the lead here, singing her heart out, particularly on the lonely, suspenseful, out-of-tempo intro. In terms of aural scale, it was quite a big record, too: in the cooing of the other girls behind Barbara on the verse can be heard an inkling of what the Ronettes would be doing in a couple of years’ time.
Listen also to the production job on Gary Chester’s drums, to the way the ride cymbal swishes fluidly in 12/8 time while the snare lets loose a hard, echoey backbeat. There are strings on this cut, too, arranged by Arnold Goland, but even when the strings aren’t playing, the track sounds much fuller than the basic instrumentation of piano(Mike Spencer),guitars(Bob Bushnell and Wallace Richardson), bass(Richard Zeigler), and Chester’s drums would suggest.
Continue reading There’s no other like my baby – The Crystals
Writers: John and Michelle Phillips
Producer: Lou Adler
Released: Dec. ’65, Dunhill
《重庆森林》是什么..,不过看过的应该对California Dreamin’留下过印象。另《隔山有眼》。《阿甘正传》里也有?好吧那是很小很小看的影片了。但是我知道后来听这首音乐时有那么一丝熟悉的感觉,可能是过去的记忆,也有可能是歌曲本身就是非常memorable的原因。
Vocal harmony理应不朽,因为实在是太美妙了,为什么有stereo,有多声道这些multiple的东西,可以说是声源多了模拟了现场环境,更生动更引人入胜,其实归根结底还是人类生理构造的原因,若不是nature让你更容易接受这种事物,你怎会去反着追求。所以人声和声真的是很nice。
说到人声和声想到了chords什么的,对于一个弹钢琴的来说,和弦很好很简单地就能被表现出来。和声音阶虽然有很多硬性的要求,但是随着现代音乐的发展,JAZZ也好BLUES也好,复杂到纠结的和声已经不能简单地去归纳总结了,相信这也是某些音乐专业的master需要极长时间去学习的缘由,等分析,剖析到最透彻,还是要返回生物学的。不过作为爱好者,我支持vocal harmony就是了。
California Dreamin’开头人声起的那刻,第一感觉就是相当摇摆,第二感觉就是LSD -_-b。很有布鲁斯的感觉,加上非凡的和声,造成这种强烈的迷幻效果,中间部分加上一段flute solo(后查阅资料为alto flute,中音长笛,音域更低),似乎印象中有另一首也是这么运用长笛的,要回忆一下。吉他在这里不那么凸显,主要还是人声和声,实在是太incredible了,有一次播放时别人和我说,这是合唱团么? 事实上这和很多靠录音室合成的迷幻风格音乐不一样,现场视频效果也是那么精彩。相反,看到过John Mayer Trio在脱口秀节目表演California Dreamin’,lead vocal和吉他完全压住和声,好吧我赞同改的吉他那部分,但是其他就太糟糕了,何必还要后面的人,完全多此一举嘛。
歌词及图片请点击Continue reading Continue reading California Dreamin’– The Mamas & the Papas
“Autumn Leaves” is a much-recorded popular song. Originally it was a 1945 French song “Les feuilles mortes” (literally “The Dead Leaves”) with music by Hungarian-French composer Joseph Kosma and lyrics by poet Jacques Prévert, the Hungarian title is “Hulló levelek” (Falling Leaves). Yves Montand (with Irène Joachim) introduced “Les feuilles mortes” in 1946 in the film Les Portes de la Nuit.
Les feuilles mortes(意为 “the dead leaves”,枯叶)是作曲家Joseph Kosma(1905-1969)在1945年于法国创作的香颂。1946年,法国歌手,影星Yves Montand(1921.10.13-1991.11.09 )在影片” LesPortes de la Nuit《夜之门》”中,演唱了这首歌。但这部电影在当时并不成功,虽然小有知名度的Yves Montand当时已经和Edith Piaf 在一起,但是Montand也没有因为这部电影以及这首主题曲而受人注目。直到1948年,已经走红的Yves Montand 在友人引荐下认识了诗人Jacques Prévert。Yves Montand 非常赏识Jacques的才华,便邀请 Jacques Prévert重新填词,Yves Montand 再次演唱,终于使这首经典流芳百世。1950年,美国音乐人John Herndon Mercer(1909-1976)将”Les Feuilles Mortes”改写成英文版”Autumn Leaves”。
这首歌无论是法语香颂还是英文、爵士乐版都曾经被许多人演唱,演奏过。收集过十几个版本,把特别喜欢的10首挑选出来,包括原唱Yves Mantand的两个录音版本。
01 Yves Montand……………………Les Feuilles Mortes.I
02 Yves Montand……………………Les Feuilles Mortes.II
03 Edith Piaf…………………………..Autumn Leaves (Live)
04 Louis Armstrong…………………Autumn Leaves(Live)
05 Nat King Cole…………………….Autumn Leaves (1992 Digital Remaster)
06 Laura Fygi…………………………Les Feuilles Mortes
07 Andrea Bocelli……………………Les Feuilles Mortes
08 Lisa Ono …………………………..Les Feuilles Mortes
09 刘欢………………………………….Les Feuilles Mortes(Live)
10 Iggy Pop……………………………Les Feuilles Mortes
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