331最广为流传的是它的allegretto段(第三乐章),也就是人尽皆知的Alla Turca,从充满和谐气息的周李四手连弹到中国人民熟悉的’节奏大师’u u u the master…’,虽然没跟土耳其有什么大关系,但是此曲的的确确是做到了传说中雅俗共赏的地步,让人不由得为之赞叹,而且我国某穿着前卫的女钢琴家王羽佳也曾靠这一曲在国际舞台上崭露头角。(好像最早的时候在youku上看到过王羽佳练习的视频,原以为是某民间学生大神-_-职业钢琴家也有流露出这种随意的视频,算是亲民了)
很多时候会混淆KV. 331和OP113,No.4,详见基辛曾演奏的版本。后者是Beethoven歌剧’The Ruins of Athens’中的Turkish March(下载地址在全文末),歌剧没看过不过萌头发大神kissin的作品必须反复听过.这里只是提到下相信大多数爱好者还是能分清~
至于Mozart的版本,当然是推荐内田光子的了,因为从来电脑中始终保存她的The Complete Piano Sonatas专辑,感觉对比下来最是细腻,让我联想到Mozart那位同样才华横溢的姐姐(曾经一位国外友人看了某些视频资料和书籍后和我确定地说Mozart的作品大都是抄袭他姐姐的,不置可否,但她本身是大神毋庸置疑),因此听mozart原版必听内田.
Peer Gynt 是挪威现实主义剧作家Henrik Johan Ibsen(易卜生)的一部作品,在挪威是广为流传的。关键是“扑朔迷离的梦幻境界和形象。
According to Klaus Van Den Berg – “is a stylistic minefield: its origins are romantic, but the play also anticipates the fragmentations of emerging modernism. Chronicling Peer’s journey from the Norwegian mountains to the North African desert, the cinematic script blends poetry with social satire and realistic scenes with surreal ones. The irony of isolated individuals in a mass society infuses Ibsen’s tale of two seemingly incompatible lovers—the deeply committed Solveig and the superficial Peer, who is more a surface for projections than a coherent character.”
Edvard Grieg
Edvard Hagerup Grieg [ˈɛdʋɑʁd ˈhɑːgəʁʉp ˈgʁɪg] (15 June 1843 – 4 September 1907) was a Norwegian composer and pianist.
Peer Gynt Suites是指一些列incidental music。这些组曲是Edvard Grieg受Ibsen邀请为他的剧作Peer Gynt所写的音乐。他共做了两套组曲(各4首)。(Later, in 1888 and 1891, Grieg extracted eight movements to make two four-movement suites: Suite No. 1, Op. 46, and Suite No. 2, Op. 55.)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 7 in C major, K 309 (284b) (1777) is a piano sonata in three movements:
1. Allegro con spirito
2. Andante un poco adagio
3. Rondo (allegretto grazioso)
Einstein : Beethoven “created” his music,but the music of Mozart was of such purity and beauty one felt he had merely “found”it — that it had always existed as part of the inner beauty of the Universe,waiting to be revealed.