至于xiami上Truth的热度极高,也没有深入了解是什么原因(某电影配乐?期待看),不过个人简单听下来目前稍稍偏爱”R.O.H.”。(Truth的开头让我想到了Lana Del Rey的某副歌,有人天天放)。Alex Ebert的这几首听下来,让我想到”neo”这个词,因为很neo,而且太个性,不仅感觉很适合做配乐,并且看了wiki的图片后,联系上这种style,就很惊艳。
查了一下,似乎还有个乐队,Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros,赶着写下一篇去了,下次多了解后再补充,我有预感他在将来会影响我对音乐的认识的,借鉴一下心灵魔术,我给他的Indie Pop定义为Mind Music。
The title comes from a Ringo Starr malapropism, the product of a marathon recording session. Lennon was fond of these Ringoisms and wrote the song over-night. Said Lennon, “The only reason [Paul] sang on it was because I couldn’t reach the notes.
Ringoisms,高端,Shinejitsisms is okay. 非常clear的歌词,不过我们绝想不到各种work like a dog的场景-_-,在这样一个时代,回看美国过去50年,那种生活,其实还是很向往的,虽然绝大多数人是不能因为自己喜欢什么就去做什么的,也没有这个机会去打破各种shackles。但是总有”When I’m home ev’rything seems to be right” 。
“Please Please me”,a Roy Orbison song – Martin said it would sound better sped up, Lennon : By the time the session came around, we were so happy with the result,we couldn’t get it recorded fast enough.”最早的东西了,也是最好的之一。